L-Carnitine Tartrate 500mg / ml
Vit B12 500mcg / ml
Benzyl Alcohol 1% v/v.
What is L-Carnitine?
L-Carnitine is an amino acid composite – one of the building blocks of protein. It is known to increase the number of androgen receptors in muscles. These receptors allow muscle to utilize testosterone resulting in an enhanced ability to build muscle. It also enhances the body’s ability to metabolize fat thereby enhancing energy levels. For body builders, this means faster muscle building and for dieters, the combination of L-Carnitine and exercise enhances fat burning. L-Carnitine has become a popular supplement in the fitness industry and is now available in both oral and injectable supplements.
Benefits of L-Carnitine
Medically, this amino acid is used to treat heart and circulatory system disorders. It is also used to combat muscle disorders in AIDS patients as well as being used in the treatment of male infertility. The range of conditions in which L-Carnitine is prescribed include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Lyme disease, an overactive thyroid and also as a means of boosting physical performance and endurance.
L-Carnitine enhances energy production, improves heart and brain function and muscular co-ordination. As a result, it enhances muscle building, increases HGH levels and improves strength and stamina thanks to extra energy and a better potential for building new muscle tissue.
L-Carnitine Shots for Weight Loss
Using an L-carnitine injection for slimming might sound like a drastic step, but for those of us who are exercising well, eating sensibly and still not losing weight, it could be a godsend. The science behind it makes sense. Since the body itself synthesizes L-Carnitine, a fairly simple amino acid, you can be sure that it’s very safe.
Using these shots for weight loss encourages the metabolism of fat by helping the transfer of fatty acids to the power houses of the cells, the mitochondria. It increases the body’s ability to release stored fat in the form of triglycerides which provide more energy to the body. Your diet becomes easier to stick to because you have sufficient energy and you are able to get more fat burning power out of your workouts.
L-carnitine and weight loss go hand in hand – provided you also watch your lifestyle. Critics say that there is no ‘magic bullet’ and they’re perfectly right. Never believe anyone who says that a supplement on its own is going to help you lose weight. You will also need to watch your diet and exercise – but your weight loss and energy levels will be enhanced thanks to increased fat burning potential.
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